Party Favorite: Green Sauce

Imagine seeing a bowl of green looking sauce at a potluck. Your first thought might be "guacamole", but further investigation with a chip would convince you otherwise. "What IS this?" you would exclaim in sheer delight as your taste buds explode like exhilarating fireworks in your mouth. Before long, as everyone tries (and devours) this mysterious, delicious green sauce, it would be gone, with only the teasing remnants of it's flavor resting on your tongue. The sadness at the disappearance of this green sauce would be immense...

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Chocolate Balls (Vegan, gluten free, sugar free, AND raw!)

f you like to eat, you must try these. These are a favorite of myself and the majority of my clients. They are like chocolate truffles, only they're healthy. Really! It's amazing how yummy they are and how healthy at the same time. Even better, they're easy to make and can be made in excess to be stored in the freezer to satisfy any pesky sugar craving or to serve to guests.

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Homemade Kale Chips: An excellent substitute for potato chips!

Ever heard of kale chips? Believe it or not, they're actually quite delicious and can satisfy a craving for crunchy potato chips like a champ. When I was first experimenting with my diet, I didn't believe they were good until I tried them, but now I love them! I provided a recipe for you below. It only takes 15 minutes and is very easy so now's your chance to stop thinking about eliminating junk food snacks (like potato chips) from your diet and to really do it.

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